Five main R&D tasks
There are five R&D tasks targetting four themes; "safety and security against flood", "a rich environment and abundant life", "a community where young people can stay and gather", and "achieving green catchment based flood management by multiple generations". The distinctive feature of this approach is that the R&D tasks were set in a backcasting manner with a view to the future region based on the regional vision for 10 years from 2021.
This is a wide-ranging research project, from basic phenomenon clarification to implementation research on catchment based flood management technology. Practical technologies will be developed by establishing test sites using public works projects of municipalities, etc., and elementary technologies will be developed through joint research with companies. The ultimate goal of this R&D is to propose practical technologies and establish guidelines.

Yuichi Kayaba
Nagoya Institute of Technology
This is a research project to integrate flood control technology with environmental restoration and sustainable society planning to achieve Goal 2, "Rich environment and abundant life". This project consists of the analysis of basic information on spatial information, local resources, biodiversity, disaster risk, runoff control, etc., and the development of a database; the study and introduction of CBFM technology to enhance biodiversity; environmental restoration methods such as improving the environment downstream of dams; and research on integrated planning theory of tributary planning and overall planning by a bottom-up approach. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a bottom-up planning approach. The ultimate goal is to establish bottom-up planning methods, guidelines, and environmental restoration.

Tomoko Minagawa
Associate Professor
Kumamoto University
Implement low-cost, bottom-up IoT (Internet of things) technology from a thoroughly user-centric perspective. Collect local environmental data across sectors and aim to realize a thoroughly low-cost, sustainable, self-expanding and evolving system by sharing infrastructure, using general purpose products, and integrating and using data. Model villages and watersheds will be selected and feedback provided through co-creation workshops. The goal is to build a prototype to scale the system throughout the basin as a regional digital transformation.

Naoya Furuta
Taisho University
Establish organizations for industry collaboration, industry creation, and regional management based on the SDGs. We will establish organizations for sustainable tourism, agricultural collaboration, community-based loT ventures, nature tourism, and green infrastructure management, with the goal of creating one new industry per year after the third year. The overall economic impact will be calculated and evaluated using GDP per capita in a basin with a declining population as an indicator.

Hideki Miyano
The Regional Economic Research Institute
The project will conduct activities related to "providing a place to learn," "forming units," and "strengthening partnerships," and implement partnership formation within the community. After evaluating the effectiveness and spillover effects, a guidebook on partnership formation methods to promote "green catchment based flood management" will be developed. In Kumamoto Prefecture, which has been frequently affected by major disasters, Kumamoto Prefectural University has actively conducted research on major disasters and established the "Green Catchment based Flood Management Laboratory" in April 2021, creating an environment conducive to overcoming challenges.