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A general meeting was held, hosted by the Regional Co-Creation Center!

A general meeting bringing together all the relevant parties involved in the Regional Co-Creation Center was held in Hitoyoshi over two days, from Saturday, December 17th to Sunday, December 18th.

On the day, representatives from the organizing government, Kumamoto Prefecture, organizing organization Higo Bank Ltd., participating organizations such as universities and companies, as well as JST PO Nakagawa and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology attended. A total of about 60 people gathered in person, and many also participated online, which was held in conjunction with the event.

On Saturday the 17th, PL Shimatani gave a talk on the overall progress of the project and the basic concept, after which the project leaders acted as coordinators for each of the three research topics, discussing each research topic based on the progress reports.

In the morning of the 18th (Sunday), there were progress reports and discussions for each of research projects 4 and 5, just as on the previous day, and in the afternoon, excursions were held to three locations: the rain garden at Minamiryo High School, the ecological garden in Sagara Village, and DX in the Kamise area of Kuma Village.

In Hitoyoshi, the weather was cold with light snow, but lively discussions took place at the venue.

Based on the discussions at the general meeting, we will continue our research from next year onwards.

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