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Regional Co-Creation Center General Meeting Held!

The general meeting was held over two days, from Saturday, November 18th to Sunday, November 19th, at Hotel Sun Hitoyoshi (Hitoyoshi City).

The general meeting is an annual meeting that brings together all the center's stakeholders to discuss the project's progress and issues.

On the day, representatives of the organizing committee, Kumamoto Prefecture, the organizing committee's Higo Bank Ltd., participating institutions such as universities and companies, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, attended the event.

At the beginning of the first day, PL Shimatani explained the project concept and the overall progress. This was followed by a panel discussion with the five project leaders, who confirmed the concept of river basin flood control with the participants. They then reported on the progress of projects 1, 2, and 3. Each participating company also reported on their progress.

On the second day, the progress of issues 4 and 5 were reported, and a general discussion was held at the end. The discussion focused on the issues of the project and the future of the base. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology provided a critique.

Since there are not many opportunities for all the people involved to gather at the same time, the general meeting is an important part of the project. These two days were very intense. Based on the discussions here, we aim to further strengthen the project.

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